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WildCRU / Andean Bear Project

WildCRU / Andean Bear Project


This month we are donating to WildCRU's research 'Andean Bear Project' 

Thank you to everyone who attended our most recent hikes and wildlife tours!

Read all about what they do here.


This conservation initiative is the first of its kind in Bolivia, and aims to study the population dynamics of bears and the drivers of human-bear conflict in the andean bear habitat, the dry forests of Bolivia.

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The dry forests of the Andes are being cut down to make way for agricultural land, oil extraction and the building of new roads. This development is pushing the species closer to extinction. The bear plays a vital role in the survival of these dry forests by dispersing seeds from the fruit that they eat. As a result of their homes shrinking they are wandering into agricultural land in the search for food. This has led to tension between local communities and the bears; they are being hunted and killed in retaliation for damaging crops and livestock.

This is a joint project between Chester Zoo and WildCRU that aims to study the population dynamics of bears and the drivers of human-bear conflict occurring in the Andean dry forests of Tarija, Bolivia; an ecosystem already identified as a priority for Andean bear research and conservation.

The species is currently listed by the IUCN as ‘Vulnerable’ across its range. The categorisation of the Andean bear is based on population trends, habitat models and levels of human-bear conflict. This project will generate the first population estimates in southern Bolivia, quantify the levels of human-bear conflict, and together with the communities, develop measures to reduce conflict.

More bear info, visit here WILDCRU If you would like to donate to the andean bear project then please click here: ANDEAN BEAR PROJECT